Thursday, February 26, 2009


Huaah...! So fast 2009 almost done with the 1st quarter haiyoo...So where are u ?? Still finding what should be done / what had been done / nothing interesting about this year 2009, the year of moo...

Previous in the middle of last year M'sia was hickup when the stimulous ding dong about pricing of oil is raising up quickly higher then before happen. Why..???? During that time people who not involve in the sector of oil, oil palm (plantation) or oi..oi come out with their rumous what it's happening due to shortage of stock producing at the moment. Even due to war of gulf and the election from the state that Barack Obama win as MR President. For their who in this bussines really2 making money dude did't worry about paying higher price for fertilizers, transport, labour even spend xtra for implement utilty/facility there working on.

Now time is turning back to normal pricing of oil is reducing lower before increas but in certain2 thing their still keep high due to dificulty to get from other hand/control by them/ ref to previous rate.

My working enviroment it's involve in both situation now is the our challenge how to keep it up on track without lack anywhere. To achive our company vision n mission during at this moment all of us must stand together helping to monouring the ship bypass the chanel to open sea.

Hopefully ALLAH bless for what have done/to be done/should be done either done nothing...

p/s: ni macam tesis assingment ja..wakakaka


  1. Thesis titled "The Barrack Obama and the oi..oi.." wakakaka...

  2. Best gak tajuk tu...ayat camni ble score ka...K Ngah ??

  3. masih ada ruang penambahbaikan...kui. tapi kira okeh lah leh dapat A- gitu!

  4. Everybody have 2 face it bro..


